
Best scanner for photos for mac
Best scanner for photos for mac

best scanner for photos for mac

You could make something up yourself if you like this kind of project. It was a bit expensive, but it works very well. I use a Novoflex slide copy holder and focus rack for this (see B&H). Next, the camera body and the neg must be exactly planar, and stay that way from neg to neg.

best scanner for photos for mac

And of course the lens will have other uses. I use a Zeiss 50mm Makro Planar, but there are no doubt others. Focal plane curvature tends to happen, which doesn't matter if you are taking a nature shot where only the bugs eye needs to be in focus, but it does matter if you are photographing something flat. A standard lens on extension tubes generally will not do this. There are a few gotchas:įirst you need a macro lens that has a flat focus plane, and is sharp corner to corner. I have found that for B&W negs and colour slides, a camera with a macro lens is fastest and gives most control. I've scanned a few thousand negs and slides by every means out there.


It would be fair to say that all the software I’ve tried has its own eccentricities and takes some time to get the best from it. Others use the manufacturers software which is of course free and may be all you need. Vuescan gets good reviews, currently I’m using Silverfast SE which gets me the colours I’m happy with quicker and easier. Having used both extensively I prefer using film scanners, a Plustek 8200 and Epson v850 flatbed as I get to do other work whilst the scanners do their thing. So the actual scan is quick, everything else necessary not so much.ĭedicated film scanners are slow but with the right software do all of the above for you. Also bear in mind you need to set up the camera light and film holder each time you want to scan. To get the colours of negative film how I want them is time consuming and a little frustrating to say the least. You need to backlight the film and then need to invert the image if it’s a negative and remove dust and scratches. DSLR scans are fast & offer you the same resolution as your camera.

Best scanner for photos for mac